Vehicles Added To Our Website
Adie (Waka) – AD Van
Lumpy – Water or Water/Waste or Transport Truck
Merlin – AD Van
Adie (Waka) – AD Van
Lumpy – Water or Water/Waste or Transport Truck
Merlin – AD Van
Dimensions: Length: 6.6M, Width: 2.15M, Height: 3.2M AMT Auto, Diesel Aircon, Stereo, Bluetooth, Backing Camera 2 Seater 2 Desks (Seats 3-4) Appliances: Aircon/Heat Pump, optional 2KVA generator available Whiteware & Plumbing: Fridge 1 Entrance Class 1 licence
It is good to see that Swing Driver rates have gone up a couple of times since we last reviewed ours. We are a bit slow on the uptake but have now aligned our rates with what is on offer within the industry. Please contact us for more information.
2 x 1000L Water Tanks or 1000L Water & 1000L Waste Tanks 240v Water Pump Dimensions: Length: 4.9M, Width: 1.8M, Height: 2.4M 5 Speed Manual, Diesel, 4WD 6 Seater Double Cab Aircon, Stereo, Bluetooth, Backing Camera Towbar (front & rear) Tail Lift Class 1 licence
After a pretty tough couple of years we have decided that Swing Driver rates need to go up. Rates for drivers are increasing across a number of industries and we need to follow suit so we can retain the skilled team we have. Please contact us for more information.
Dimensions: Length: 6.6M, Width: 2.15M, Height: 3.2M Auto, Diesel Stereo, Bluetooth, Backing Camera, Sonar Front & Rear 2 Seater Water: Hot & Cold, Water: 200L, Waste: 220L Appliances: Aircon/Heat Pump, optional 4KVA generator available Whiteware & Plumbing: Fridge, Washing Machine, Dryer, Hair Wash 1 Entrance Class 1 licence
Iris – Deer Park Heights, Queenstown April 2019
JC – 10 seat shuttle taken out by a drunk driver while parked up at Forest Hill, Auckland overnight December 2018
Bubbles & Herc – Muriwai, Auckland November 2018
Sylvester – Duffers Saddle, Nevis near Queenstown March 2018
After Poppy’s unfortunate cross country expedition in May 2018 she was rebuilt on the outside. This took seven months and she was missed terribly. She worked from December through to March only for us to discover that her engine had not escaped unscathed liked we’d hoped. While she was having another unscheduled break…
After nearly two years with us Robin finally had enough of a break at the end of last year to get her Redwood colours. Now she really feels like she belongs. She certainly looks a lot different.
She said she was working on “Adrift” but we suspect she was just having a holiday. It would have been nice to stowaway but things were a bit too busy in Auckland.